What affect the performance of centrifugal slurry pumps?

2020-11-09 19:36:49 Source: sand dredge pump-slurry pump parts-China Do Pump

News Digest:china slurry pump, slurry pump parts china, warman slurry pump, What affect the performance of centrifugal slurry pumps?

What affect the performance of centrifugal slurry pumps?

China Slurry pump company - Do Pump specializes in the production of horizontal slurry pump, verticle slurry pump, submersible slurry pump, horizontal sand pumps, dredging pumps and submersible sand pumps. In this article, we will share the What affect the performance of centrifugal slurry pumps?

1 The influence of liquid physical properties on the characteristic curve

The characteristic curve provided by the manufacturer is measured with clean water as the working medium. When transporting other liquids, the influence of liquid density and viscosity should be considered.

(1) Viscosity When the viscosity of the conveying liquid is greater than the viscosity of the water under the experimental conditions, the energy loss in the pump body increases, the flow rate and pressure head of the pump decrease, the efficiency decreases, and the shaft power increases.

(2) The volume flow and pressure head of the density centrifugal slurry pump have nothing to do with the density of the liquid, and the power increases as the density increases.

2 The influence of the speed of the centrifugal slurry pump on the characteristic curve

When the viscosity of the liquid is not large and the efficiency of the pump remains unchanged, the flow rate, pressure head, shaft power and speed of the pump can be approximated by the law of proportionality, namely

In the formula: the flow, head and power of the centrifugal slurry pump Q1, H1, N1 when the speed is n1.

Q2, H2, N2 centrifugal slurry pump flow, head and power when the speed is n2.

The above set of formulas is called the law of proportionality. When the speed change is less than 20%, it can be considered that the efficiency remains unchanged, and the calculation error is not large with the work.

If you select a few more points on the characteristic curve of speed n1, use the law of proportionality to calculate the corresponding data when the speed is n2, and plot the result on the graph paper, you can get the characteristic curve when the speed is n2.

3 Influence of impeller diameter on characteristic curve

When the pump speed is constant, its head and flow are related to the diameter of the impeller. The following is the cutting law.

In the formula: Q1, H1, N1 centrifugal slurry pump speed is the flow, head and power at D1.

Q2, H2, N2 centrifugal slurry pump flow, head and power when the rotating speed is D2.

For more information related to What affect the performance of centrifugal slurry pumps?, contact China slurry pump at info@dopumpgroup.com or call us at +8615031104888.

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Prev:How to understand slurry pump performance curve?

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