China Slurry Pump - 3 steps of submersible slurry pump impeller release
China Do Pump is a manufacturer of slurry pump, electric submersible slurry pump, hydraulic submersible slurry pump, sand pump. dredge pump, ladder pump, boost pump, on board dredge pump. Submersible sand pump, also known as submersible sediment pump, submersible mud pump, submersible sand pump, submersible suction pump, submersible pump, underwater dredging pump, etc.
China Slurry Pump - 3 steps of submersible slurry pump impeller release

The submersible slurry pump may need to be disassembled due to maintenance or maintenance work. When we do not understand the structure of the pump, it is likely that the impeller will be operated incorrectly during disassembly. Here we come Look at the correct disassembly order of the impeller.
1. First, the bolts on the side bearing gland need to be unscrewed, and then the nuts used for the connection between the spitting section, the stuffing box body, and the bearing body are also removed;
2. After that, unscrew the round nut on the shaft, and remove the bearing inner ring, bearing gland and retaining sleeve in sequence, and the entire packing body including packing gland, packing ring, packing and other parts need to be disassembled Down
3. Disassemble the O-seal ring, shaft sleeve, balance plate and key on the shaft in turn, and then disassemble the discharge section including the final guide vane and balance ring;
4. Then remove the last stage impeller and the key rear, etc., and also need to remove the middle section including the guide vane: and also need to remove the remaining stages of the impeller, middle section and guide vane in the same way , Until the first impeller of the submersible slurry pump is disassembled;
5. It is also necessary to unscrew the coupling nut between the suction section and the bearing body and the bolt on the bearing pressure through, so that we can easily disassemble the bearing parts;
6. When the shaft is pulled out from the position of the suction section, the fixing nut on the shaft needs to be unscrewed, and then the bearing inner ring, O-ring, bushing and baffle are also removed in sequence.
The above describes the correct sequence of the submersible slurry pump when disassembling the impeller. Because the structure of different types of pumps will be different, we need to refer to the instructions etc. Disassembly work.

China Do Pump is a manufacturer of slurry pump, sand pump. dredge pump, electric submersible sand pump and hydraulic submersible dredge pump with relative dredging equipment.Slurry Pump solutions-Impeller disassembly sequence of submersible slurry pump, contact China Do Pump at or call us at +8615031104888.