China Slurry pump bearing maintenance

2020-11-02 17:49:03 Source: sand dredge pump-slurry pump parts-China Do Pump

News Digest:china slurry pump, slurry pump parts, warman slurry pump, China Slurry pump bearing maintenance

China Slurry pump bearing maintenance


◆Bearing lubrication

▲Grease lubrication

The pump bearings on the grease pump manufacturers have been required at low speed, low temperature(relative to the operating conditions of 120℃), the pump during use without the need on the grease. The high temperature in the high load (relative to the pump operating conditions of 120℃), the bearings must be regularly on the grease to ensure that its service life. Grease pump must be on a regular basis, must be selected and bearing the original varieties compatible with grease or lubrication affect the bearing life. Filling tool: standard manual filling gun. Filling cycle and raise the amount of day and night use of the pump a week filling time, five shots each each bearing Note, the pump on a work night and day 8 hours every three weeks filling time, every time each bearing note five shots on the day and night to use the pump, can also be a monthly filling time, each bearing Note 20 gun.

▲Oil lubrication: check once every day and pour lubricating oil according to requirement when necessary.

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  • AddressXinhe Street, Xingtang Industrial Zone,Shijiazhuang, Hebei
  • Phone Number0086-15031104888

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