How To Design Booster Sand Pump Station?

2021-03-21 18:17:23 Source: sand dredge pump-slurry pump parts-China Do Pump

News Digest:sand pump, dredge pump, china sand pump, china dredge pump, booster pump, submersible sand pump, slurry pump,How To Design Booster Sand Pump Station?

How To Design Booster Sand Pump Station?

Booster pump station is designed for single sand pump is not able to transfer long distance as required, China Do Pump is a company specialized on sand pump, dredge pump, china sand pump, china dredge pump, booster pump, submersible sand pump, slurry pump etc. 

1. How to design a booster sand pump station? - Construction preparation 

(1) Pre-construction analysis. Because the reclaiming yard of this project is far away from some construction areas, and the length of the land-based hydraulic filling area is large, the conventional transportation and suction supporting construction cannot be implemented, and the transportation distance exceeds 4000m, so land-based construction is adopted. The upper relay pump cooperates with the cutter suction dredger for long-distance pipeline transportation to blow-fill the dredged earth to the construction area. At the same time, it reduces the investment of unnecessary mechanical equipment and saves equipment costs. (2) Equipment selection This project selects its own Gezhouba No. 1800 cutter suction dredger equipped with a relay pump with corresponding performance for long-distance pipeline transportation on land. The relay pump uses a 500DOD mud pump with a mud discharge pipe diameter of 650mm. (3) Determine the number and location of relay pumps 1) The number of relay pump configurations mainly depends on the mud concentration, flow rate, and the length and climb of the actual laying pipeline. During normal construction, the average slurry concentration in the pipeline is generally controlled within 25%. According to the actual construction situation, it is equipped with 2 or more relay pumps and 1 cutter suction dredger to form a production line. 2) The relay pump is arranged reasonably and should be set at the most ideal position, that is, the best row distance of the dredger. As the distance exceeds 4000m, a relay pump needs to be added, so the first-stage relay pump is placed at a distance of 2000m from the dredger. According to the row distance, each relay pump is arranged at a distance of 1.5km. According to the specific characteristics of the pipeline, the actual configuration is calculated with the dredger as the starting point.

2. How to design a booster sand pump station? - Entry point parking 

(1) The entry point parking of the cutter suction dredger is implemented according to the cutter suction ship entry point parking process; 
(2) When the relay pump station is placed on the water, its position is fixed by anchoring; when relaying When the pumping station is placed on land, the ground foundation of its staging point must be level and stable.

3. How to design a booster sand pump station? - Laying and connecting of mud pipelines 

(1) When connecting with the relay pumping station, flexible connection must be carried out according to the working conditions near the relay pumping station, and pipe anchors shall be thrown away from the floating pipe of the connection section floating on the water to ensure the smooth water pipeline of the transition section. 
(2) Install an incoming water monitoring device in front of each stage of the relay pump, and set a check valve when the mud discharge pipe after the relay pump is higher than the relay pump outlet to prevent the mud pump from failing and shutting down to prevent mud backflow from the mud pipe from impacting the mud pump , At the same time easy to overhaul. 
(3) At the junction of each underwater pipe and the water pipe, an automatic exhaust valve must be installed, which is sufficient to remove air when the cutter suction vessel is driving, so as to prevent the underwater pipeline from floating. The layout and installation of the relay pump should ensure that the suction inlet has an atmospheric pressure, and the minimum residual pressure is not less than 50Kpa. 

4. How to design a booster sand pump station? - Dredging construction

According to the construction characteristics of long row spacing blow-filling between the cutter suction vessel and the relay pump station in series, the following work should be done during the construction:  

(1) Each time before starting the machine, sand pump clean water to the main pipe for sludge drainage to moisten the pump and pipe, check the tightness of the sludge pipeline and the operation of the system, and check whether the information transmission is smooth. Before shutting down each time, flush the pipe and clean the pump with clean water. Start one by one from the beginning to the end when starting up, and stop one by one from the end to the beginning when stopping. 
(2) Before the start of construction, the cutter suction vessel issued a start-up preparation order, and the relay pump station staff immediately prepared after receiving the start-up preparation order, and at the same time opened the air release valve on the mud discharge pipe. 
(3) After the relay pump station is ready, immediately inform the cutter suction vessel. The cutter suction vessel will reconfirm after receiving the preparation report of the relay pump station. When the conditions for starting work are met, the cutter suction vessel will switch on the pump and gradually accelerate the specified speed. At the same time, inform the relay pump station staff that the cutter suction vessel has started construction. 
(4) During the construction process, the cutter suction vessel and the relay pump station should maintain unobstructed contact and take effective measures
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