Sand Dredge Pump Head Loss In Straight Pipeline
China dredger sand pump manufacturer
Slurry, water mixture with solid, pumping in a pipeline will takes head loss which is regarded as a major loss to pump working head, and the head loss is influenced by working capacity, pipeline diameter, transfer distance, solid character, slurry velocity in the pipe.
Hmajor,f head loss due to friction of water in a straight pipe [Pa]
λf flow friction coefficient [-]
L length of a pipe [m]
D diameter of a pipe [m]
Vf mean mixture velocity in a pipe [m/s]
Qf mixture flow rate through a pipe [m3/s]
A area of a pipe cross section [m2]
g gravitational acceleration [m/s2]
Hmajor,m head loss due to friction of mixture in a straight pipe [Pa]
Im hydraulic gradient in mixture flow according to
a suitable model [-]
L length of a pipe [m].
keywords:China dredger sand pump manufacturer, Holland dredge pump price company, hydraulic electric submersible slurry pump supplier